@thesis{thesis, author={Rani Suryani N. and Ridwan }, title ={THE EFFECT OF CHILDREN LEARNING IN SCIENCE (CLIS) MODEL ON STUDENTS LEARNING OUTCOMES IN THERMAL EXPANSION TOPIC AT VII GRADE IN SMP N 1 TEBING TINGGI}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/10929/}, abstract={The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of CLIS learning model on students learning outcomes in Thermal Expansion topic at VII Grade in SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi. The research method was quasi experimental. The population was all students at class VII semester II consist of 9 classes SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi. The sample of this research conduct two classes and consist of 56 students, class VII-8 as experiment class and class VII-9 control class and define by random cluster sampling. The result that was obtained: pre-test mean value of the experiment class was 45.19 and 43.1 was the mean value for control class. Post-test mean value of the experiment class was 76.79 and 62.93 was the mean value for control class.Standard deviation for two classes was 8.63 and 9.31. Normality of the pre-testand post test result from the both samples was normal for experiment class with Lcount < Ltable , 0.1335 < 0.173 and for control class 0.0727 < 0.173 andhomogeneous with Fcount < Ftable, 1.258 < 1.90. For post test experiment class with Lcount < Ltable , 0.1187 < 0.173 and for control class 0.1045 < 0.173 andhomogeneous with Fcount < Ftable, 1.258 < 1.925 for pre-test and Fcount