@thesis{thesis, author={Tionar Melissa }, title ={THE DIFFERENCE OF STUDENTS PHYSICS LEARNING OUTCOMES USING COOPERATIVELEARNING MODEL TYPE NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER WITH DIRECT INSTRUCTION IN GRADE X SMA N 1 BERASTAGI}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/10930/}, abstract={The purpose of this research was to find out the difference of students physicslearning outcomes using cooperative learning type numbered heads togethermodel with direct instruction model in topic dynamic electric at grade X SMA N1 Berastagi Academic Year 2012/2013. Method of this research is by using quasi experiments with one group post-test, pre-test design. Population in this research were all students of grade X in SMA N 1 Berastagi. The sample in this research are students of grade X SMA N 1 Berastagi academic year 2012/2013 consists of two class, X4 as experiment class and X5 as control class determine by simple random sampling technique. Research instrument is learning outcomes test consist of 20 multiple choice problems. Learning outcomes of students is from affective,psychomotoric, and cognotive. Affective and pychomotoric of experiment classwas 56.45 and 62.49 in enough category, while affective and psychomotoric ofcontrol class was 18.35 and 15.87 in bad category. The cognitive show by posttest, mean value of the experimental class was 71.25 is good category and 60.48 was the mean value for control class is enough category. Cognitive of student test by t test-two sides. Testing criterion accept H0 if -1.99< tcount <1.99. For pre-test get value tcount is 0.68 so H0was accepted. For the post test H0was refused becausetcount is 4.43 and Ha was accepted. So can be concluded that there was thedifference of student} }