@thesis{thesis, author={Iegi Margana and Widya }, title ={Listener’s Responses Towards Slang Words On Joyner Lucas’s Selected Song Lyric}, year={2021}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/45814/}, abstract={This study aimed to analyzing the kind of slang words which represented by Joyner Lucas in the song lyrics. The five selected songs which were ADHD, Devil?s Work, ISIS, Lotto, and Revenge has been analyzed. The study of slang words thrived in recent years as long as the culture of language and society developed or developing. Slang words or Word formation study in lyrics is an interesting way to identify the culture of one language. The applied theory was from Yule (2010). The study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were song of the Rapper Joyner Lucas. The source of the data were the lyrics written by the author. The findings of the word fomation was found there were 8 out of 9 that represented in the song lyrics, which applied in 100 formed slang words in the lyrics. They were Coinage 27 (27%), Borrowing 14 (14%), Compounding 6 (6%), Blending 19 (19%), Clipping 19 (19%), Back Formation 3 (3%), Conversion (0%), Acronym 10 (10%), and Derivation 2 (2%). And this study of slang words also supported by Emotional Responses theory by Olov (2009), from which theory, it was found that there were 33 responses recorded towards those slang words, they were Anger 1 (3%), Disgust 3 (9%), Fear 3 (9%), Happiness 6 (18%), Sadness 2 (6%), Surprise 8 (24%)and Interest 10 (31%). This study also proved that slang and society can?t be separated, especially in mid to low class of society or African American culture. At one time, this line thinner since the usage of slang known to all class that the function itself more benefial than destructive.} }