@thesis{thesis, author={Montessori Yolanda and Subiyatun Sri}, title ={Pengaruh Penyuluhan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) dengan Metode Demonstrasi terhadap Keterampilan Melakukan Sadari pada Siswi Kelas X SMAN 1 Imogiri Bantul}, year={2015}, url={http://digilib.unisayogya.ac.id/832/}, abstract={Objective : The objective of the was to identify the effect of BSE counseling using demonstration method towards the BSE skill on a class X female student of SMAN 1 Imogiri of Bantul. Method: The study was pre-experimental using pretest-posttest design. The sampling techniques was simple random sampling of 30 students. The primer data used checklist. The data analysis used Paired sample t-test. Results: The average result of the respondents before being given counseling skills is 54.33 and rising after being given counseling namely 79.33. There is a difference between pretest tand posttest (p = 0.000) which means the counseling using demonstration methodhas improved the BSE skills.} }