@thesis{thesis, author={Satyagraha Eklesia}, title ={ASPEK HUKUM PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH INDUSTRI SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN PENCEMARAN DAN PERUSAKAN LINGKUNGAN DI KABUPATEN BANTUL}, year={2011}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/1001/}, abstract={Industrial activities in Bantul growing rapidly, and it has led to the environmental impact. Industrial waste that was generated from the industrial activities will be the causes of environmental pollution and destruction. According to the information obtained from the Environment Agency and the Department of Industry, the environmental problems in Bantul mainly is the management of waste, especially in the small industrial sector, due to small industries do not have the ability to manage their wastes properly and correctly. Waste management requires knowledge and cost, it is difficult to be met by a small industry players, this is the major obstacle for the services related to waste management industry to provide affirmative action for each offender, because of the dilemma between prioritizing the welfare of the people or the importance of environmental aspects. Government action is needed, which is consistent in enforcing environmental law, so that the environment is maintained} }