@thesis{thesis, author={ KIE FERRY}, title ={KEPENTINGAN UMUM DALAM PENGADAAN TANAH BAGI PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL BERDASARKAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 2 TAHUN 2012 UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN KEMANFAATAN HUKUM BAGI MASYARAKAT}, year={2016}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/10038/}, abstract={The title of this legal writing is PUBLIC INTEREST IN LAND AQUISITION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TOLL ROADS BASED ON ACT NO.2 OF 2012 TO ACTUALIZE BENEFIT OF THE LAW FOR SOCIETY. This legal writing preapared by the formulation of the problems, namely how is the meaning of public public interest in land acquisition for the construction of toll road based on Act No.2 and whether it has realized benefit of the law for society. The aim of legal writing to discuss issues regarding the extent to which the nature of the public interest can be embedded in toll road construction activities referred to in Article 10 letter Act No. 2 of 2012. The research is a kind of normative legal research that focuses on the positive legal norms in the form of legislation in force. By examining the nature of the public interest, it can be known about the worth or not toll roads categorized as a development in the public interest. On the other side, by doing these studies, it can be known that the construction is carried out in accordance with the allocation, so as to provide for the public welfare. From these results, it can be concluded that the toll road is an activity in the public interest that these activities could contribute to the welfare of society in a country. Construction of toll roads as part of the national road network system, to contribute to improving economic growth in a country. The toll road also serves to smoothen the traffic on the highway. The impact of traffic movement was also influential in the economic sector in a country. This is due to the smooth distribution of goods and services, so that economic interests can work well. It also resulted in improved community welfare.} }