@thesis{thesis, author={BENING XENA DORA THEA}, title ={KAJIAN TERHADAP PENUNDAAN EKSEKUSI MATI TERPIDANA NARKOTIKA DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso)}, year={2016}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/10043/}, abstract={This research is about study to the suspended death execution of narcotic convict in Indonesia (Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso?s Case). The kind of suspended death execution that happened to Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso is the first in Indonesia because it happened at the last minutes before the execution. The legal issues that raised are the reason of the suspended death execution that happened to Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso and the impact of it. The method of research is normative law research which is focused on norm of positive law in the form of supporting laws and regulations. The source of this research uses secondary data which consists of primary law, secondary law, and tertiary law. The result of this research are: there are two reasons of the suspended death execution of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso that are juridical reason and political reason, and the impacts of the suspended death execution of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso are social impact, law impact, and the impact to Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso herself. For recommendations, law enforcer should be more carefully when doing their duty and law maker is supposed to make a regulation about the term of suspended death execution.} }