@thesis{thesis, author={Riyanto Natanael}, title ={PERLINDUNGAN ATAS KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) TERHADAP PEKERJA DI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT}, year={2012}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/1006/}, abstract={Plantation workers is one important component in the production process of crude palm oil (CPO) since it is they who do the treatment until the harvesting of oil palm. Workers is also very likely to have accidents that can cause injury, partial or total disability of the body can even lead to worker dies. Plantation workers are particularly vulnerable in an accident in his job so there must be assurance given by employers to occupational safety and health. Safety and occupational health is a program created for workers and employers as an effort to prevent the onset of occupational injuries and illnesses caused by working relationships within the work environment by identifying the things that could potentially lead to occupational accidents and diseases caused by employment and anticipatory action in case of such. How the protection of occupational safety and health of workers in oil palm plantations under the legislation. Legal research is done with the objective of identifying and analyzing the legal protection of occupational safety and health of workers in oil palm plantations. Work on the plantation is one of the jobs that have a risk of workplace accidents is high enough. This can happen if employers do not implement the occupational safety and health systems with good. Safety and health is a duty that must be met by employers, because it is a workers' rights. It is stipulated in Article 86 paragraph (1) item a of Law Number 13 Year 2003 on employment. Safety and health systems must become one with the enterprise management system. However, protection in the law was general, so it does not cover all off the protection of plantation workers as a whole. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the protection of workers in the plantations should be given particular setting, because the accident rate of work is different from other occupations. } }