@thesis{thesis, author={Rukmanahadi Hendi}, title ={Tinjauan Terhadap Aborsi Dari Aspek Hukum Kesehatan Dan Perlindungan Anak}, year={2012}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/1014/}, abstract={The rate of abortion that occurred in Indonesia from year to year has increased and the majority of perpetrators are teenage abortion. Given this research can provide information about everything to do with abortion. Abortion can be justified if he abortion is medically advised medically adviseable by the treating doctor, such as pregnant woman who suffer from an illness and to save the lives of these women then abortion must be invalidated pursuant to law No. 36 of 2009 on the Health of Article 75 paragraph (2) point a, but abortion is performed shall be in consultation doctor first. Abortion is generalized to a crime if the abortion was done deliberately for reasons that are not justified by the law. The law No. 23 of 2002 about protect the children of article 1 number 2 and number 12, that the children must get the same of competency for life and it must be guarantee and fill by the parents, the family, the government and the state. The doctor who to do abortion based on the law No. 36 of 2009 on the Health of Article 75 not to violate The law No. 23 of 2002 about protect the children because the doctor do the abortion based on medical action, example: the foetus has genetic defact (without head), mother soul treattened because have a disease, example: heart attack, hipertensi. } }