@thesis{thesis, author={Simanjuntak Jerry}, title ={PENILAIAN KEKUATAN PEMBUKTIAN INFORMASI DAN DOKUMEN ELEKTRONIK DALAM SISTEM PEMBUKTIAN PERADILAN PERDATA}, year={2012}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/1017/}, abstract={This thesis entitled Assessment of the strength of evidence of electronic information and electronic documents in the civil judicial system verification. The problem which is being raised is about assessment of the strength of information and electronic documents in Indonesian civil justice system is proving Indonesia. The purpose of this study is, to determine assessment of strength of evidence of information and electronic documents in the Indonesian civil justice system. The type of this study is a normative legal study. Based on the provision and the judge?s interpretation of information and / or electronic documents in the Indonesian civil judicial system has provided as a legitimate evidence. Based on rule 165 HIR and rule 5 (1) of Information and Electronic Transaction act Number 11 of 2008, also the judge?s assessment, the print out of electronic transaction or electronic information and / or electronic documents and can be interpreted as a written evidence in the civil justice system as, it is supported by witnesses and expert witnesses from the provider of information technology. } }