@thesis{thesis, author={Febrianto Aria A.}, title ={PERAN HOTEL KELAS MELATI DALAM MENDUKUNG PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA}, year={2012}, url={http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/997/}, abstract={The title of the writing of this law on the Role of Class Budget Hotels In Support of the Tourism Development Yogyakarta Legal Writing The purpose of this is to To know the role of jasmine grade hotels in supporting tourism in the city of Yogyakarta and to find out what obstacles are encountered in the activities of jasmine grade hotels in in support of tourism in the city of Yogyakarta. Methods of research in writing this law is the study is empirical legal research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Empirical research is also called field research. The data obtained from empirical research is the primary data is the data directly obtained from informants in the field and secondary data Based on the results of the discussion and research on the author found that making a business license in Yogyakarta hotel is very easy that is the amount of tax relief and retribution, as well as the stages of payment of taxes and levies. In addition to tax relief and a processing time is quite short and uncomplicated conducted from hotelier party registration to the survey by the Licensing Office of the City of Yogyakarta. Constraints faced by entrepreneurs is derived from the external and internal government employers, ie employers are not fully complete all the requirements required by the City Government to permit the establishment of hotels in Yogyakarta Should the municipal government of Yogyakarta more active role in providing counseling or information regarding the terms and implementation process as well as the hotel business permits employers also know and realize the importance of completeness of the permit that has been required by the government of Yogyakarta in accordance with the provisions in the law number 2 of 2002 About the Licensing Business Hotel and Lodging } }