@thesis{thesis, author={Febrina Suci Hati 1200710022 and Mufdillah S.SiT. and Yuan Puspita Dewi}, title ={HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN IBU DENGAN SIKAP PEMBERIAN MAKANAN PENDAMPING AIR SUSU IBU PADA BAYI UMUR 6-24 BULAN DI POSYANDU SRI MARTANI PIYUNGAN BANTUL YOGYAKARTA}, year={2010}, url={http://elibrary.almaata.ac.id/99/}, abstract={Background: After the age of 6 months, breast milk is only about 60-70% to meet the nutritional needs of infants. So, the baby began to require Complementary feeding. Prevalence of Protein Energy Malnutrition in Indonesia is still higher than other ASEAN countries namely 39.8%. Yogyakarta Province Health Profile (2008), mentions five categories which include the Red Line Down 2.30% and in the Bantul district of 3.09%. Sub Piyungan is a region with a number of toddlers Down the Red Line is the second highest after sub Pleret is 128 children under five (2.58%), level of the baby's mother education is a junior (56,7%) and behaving badly in the provision of MP-ASI (62.7%). Objective: To determine the relationship of education level with the attitude of MP-breastfeeding in infants aged 6-24 months in Sri Martani Piyungan Posyandu Bantul Yogyakarta in 2010. Method: The study is an analytical survey with cross-sectional. The research conducted on maternal infant age 6-24 months in Sri Martani Piyungan Posyandu Bantul on July 18, 2010 which was taken with a total sampling technique numbered 37 people. Data are secondary data obtained by questionnaire and then analyzed with Chi square analysis. Results: The Mother of infants aged 6-24 months in Sri Martani Piyungan Posyandu Bantul mostly including healthy reproductive age (91.1%), is a housewife (IRT) (64.9%), Muslim (100%) and included Javanese (100%). Mother infant age 6-24 months in Sri Martani Piyungan Posyandu Bantul most basic educated respondents (45.9%) and behaving badly in the provision of MP-ASI (54.1%). Chi square analysis results are known the value X2hitung> X2tabel (14.862> 5.591). Conclusion: There is a relationship between level of education with the attitude of MP-breastfeeding in infants aged 6-24 months in Sri Martani Piyungan Posyandu Bantul Yogyakarta in 2010. Keywords: Education, Attitude, MP-ASI} }