@thesis{thesis, author={Agustina Faradila}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN NOVEL ORIGIN BY DAN BROWN}, year={2023}, url={http://elibs.unigres.ac.id/1802/}, abstract={In the study of language, sometimes we use figurative languages in communication. Figurative language is not only found in everyday life, but also in the novel. The aims of this research are to find the types of figurative languages, describe the meanings, and the dominant type of figurative language in the novel Origin Written by Dan Brown. This study focused on simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and idiom. The data are analyzed by applying descriptive qualitative method. It is done by identifying, classifying, describing, and explaining the meaning of every figurative language. From this analysis, the researcher found that there are 5 types of figurative language used in the novel. They are simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and idiom. The meanings of figurative language are described based on the clue of every sentence they belong into the types and the contextual meaning of figurative language. Simile is the dominant used of figurative languages in the novel. The use of figurative language is to make the sentences more vivid, expressive, and has deep meanings. Those are to add clarity, to give color to the novel, to persuade, and make the sentences more dramatic and beautiful.} }