@thesis{thesis, author={Prastiwi Windy and Suhartono Suhartono and Syaflan Meidi}, title ={STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KEMAMPUAN PENINDAKAN HURU-HARA (PHH) ANGGOTA SATBRIMOB POLDA D.I.YOGYAKARTA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprint.stieww.ac.id/1009/}, abstract={This research aims to analyze factors causing non-optimal efforts for handling riot of the members of Mobile Brigade Corps of Regional Police in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and the ways out of handling them. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that describes a narration that reveals data of problems gained by observation, documentation, and interview. The results of the research show that the factors causing non-optimal efforts for handling riot of the members of Mobile Brigade Corps of Regional Police in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are 1) non-optimal understanding of Regulations concerning on Riot Handling, 2) non-optimal use of equipment for handling riot, 3) non-optimal management of emotional stability at facing the mass. Meanwhile, the ways to overcome the non-optimal efforts for handling riot are 1) socializing the Regulation concerning on Riot Handling, 2) increasing the number of trainings about the use of equipment for handling riot, and 3) implementing NAC training (Neuro Associative Conditioning) to change the mindset and cultural set of apparatus, implementing ESQ training (Emotional, Spiritual, and Quotient), and spiritual and mental management. Suggestions to response to the research findings are 1) maximizing the role of instructors that have mastered technical ways for handling riot, 2) proposing territorial training and coordinating with regional unit related to the implementation of joint training, and 3) implementing training of mental and character building periodically for the members. Keywords: Riot Handling, Development, Ability, Training.} }