@thesis{thesis, author={Riza Satya and Zulkifli Zulkifli}, title ={ANALISA FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO PADA BANK BCA PERIODE 2015-2019}, year={2020}, url={http://eprint.stieww.ac.id/1256/}, abstract={Dividend policy in banking is a very impotant policy, becouse it will involve two parties namely shareholders an bank management who have different interests. Profit policy is very important to determine the placement of profit, namely between paying to shareholders and investing in the company. The purpose of the study is analyze the factors that influence dividend payout ratio in bank bca by using variable return on asset(ROA), current ratio(CR), debt to equity ratio(DER), firm size, and growth. Research methode are a type of associative researh and use multiple linier techniques. Partial growth has no effect on dividend payout ratio. Kerywords : dividend payout ratio, return on asset, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, firm size, growth} }