@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Desiana Pitta and Sulastiningsih Sulastiningsih and Suprihanto John}, title ={UPAYA PENINGKATAN MUTU LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TINGGI AKADEMI KEBIDANAN BHAKTI NUSANTARA SALATIGA TAHUN 2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprint.stieww.ac.id/658/}, abstract={The Midwifery Academy is an academic level health education or Diploma III Program with the specialty of studying midwifery. The decline in students of the Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga Midwifery Academy according to the table above from 2015 to 2018 experienced a significant decline. The decline can be due to the accreditation of institutions and study programs that are still C. This research has the formulation of the problem of the quality of education at the Bhakti Nusantara Midwifery Academy Salatiga not as expected. The aim is to identify the factors that led to the low quality of higher education institutions at the Bhakti Nusantara Academy in Salatiga, to identify and evaluate 7 standards of accreditation forms and to formulate efforts to improve the quality of institutions in the Bhakti Nusantara Midwifery Academy Salatiga. This study uses descriptive qualitative method of interview with the research subject is the director and lecturer of the Bhakti Nusantara Midwifery Academy Salatiga. Data will be analyzed by comparative methods or comparing interview results and accreditation forms. Based on the analysis, the results obtained from the 7 standard accreditation forms 5 standards get a score of 3 or in good rank and 2 standards get a score of 2 or in sufficient rank, namely in standards 1 and 4. So in this case there is still a need for improvement from each 7 accreditation forms. Keywords: Quality of Institutions, Midwifery Forms} }