@thesis{thesis, author={HASANAH HUSWATUN}, title ={THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE IN FLUENCY ELEMENT OF TEACHING SPEAKING AT BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF HAMZANWADI UNIVERSITY IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3224/}, abstract={This study aimed at knowing the Effectiveness of Communication Procedure in Teaching Speaking at Biology Department of Hamzanwadi University in Academic Year 2017-2018. In this research used a pre-experimental design, the sample of this research was 23 students of Biology Department. The results of the data analysis indicated that the mean score of the pre-test was 56.52 and the post-test was 81.73. The results of standard deviation in pre-test was 7.75 and post-test was 11.92. In hypothesis testing present researcher used Paired Sample T-Test, the result of t (df=22) =13.46 at p < 0.000, it means that null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that communication procedure was significantly effective in teaching speaking English. Keywords : Teaching speaking, communication procedure} }