@thesis{thesis, author={AZHARI MUHAMAD}, title ={THE CORRELATION AMONG STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY, STUDENTS’ GRAMMAR, AND THEIR TRANSLATION ABILITY IN EFL CLASSROOM}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3329/}, abstract={This study aimed at examining the correlation among students’ vocabulary, students’ grammar, and translation ability. There were one statements of problem formulated: 1) Is there any correlation among students’ vocabulary, students’ grammar and their translation ability of the second semester students of study program of English language education of Hamzanwadi University in the school year 2017-2018. Then, the purpose of this study was: 1) To know the correlation among students’ vocabulary, students’ grammar and their translation ability of the second semester students of study program of English language education of Hamzanwadi University in the school year 2017-2018. The design of this research was correlationl design. To collect the data try out and test were given to students of study program of English language education of Hamzanwadi University in the school year 2017-2018. Population was (86) and sample was (21 students). In order to know the correlation among students’ vocabulry, students’ grammar, and their translation ability, he data was calculated by using SPSS 22 for windows. Based on the statistics result there is the correlation coefficient between vocabulary and translation r was .305 at p .179, the range is .126, while the correlation between grammar and translation r was .626 at p .002, the range is .624. Also the present researcher found the correlation between grammar and translation controlled for vocabulary r was .596 at p .006. The result was there is a significant correlation among students’ vocabulary, students’ grammar and their translation ability of the second semester students of Study Program of English Language Education of Hamzanwadi University in the school year 2017-2018.It is meant that null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Key Words: Students’s vocabulary, students’ grammar, and translation ability.} }