@thesis{thesis, author={MAYZARA DEVKY}, title ={TINGKAT LITERASI MEMBACA DAN MENULIS SISWA KELAS V MELALUI MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL SDN 01 RUMBUK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017-2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3457/}, abstract={TITLE : LEARNING LITERATION LEARNING AND WRITE STUDENT CLASS V THROUGH MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL SDN 1 RUMBUK YEAR LESSON 2017-2018 BY : DEVKY MAYZARA NPM : 14110004 This study aims to determine the level of literacy of reading and writing grade V students through the help of audio visual media SDN 1 Rumbuk year lesson 2017-2018. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research, the method used is the experimental method because researchers want to examine how the level of literacy of reading and writing students of class V whether in the category of high, medium or low through audio visual media. In this research will focus on literacy of reading and writing in which literacy is a complex process involving the construction of prior knowledge, culture, and experience to develop new knowledge and a deeper understanding and reading that is a way to gain knowledge or process to understand text or reading content. While writing is a recurring process by the author to revise his ideas, repeating the stages of writing, to be able to pour ideas and ideas in a form of writing in accordance with the idea in a form of writing in accordance with ideas or ideas developed. The population of this research is all students of class V in SDN 1 Rumbuk year lesson 2017- 2018. The research design used was post-test. Technique of data collection using esay test consist of 5 problem, This research show a film that will be shown to student, researcher want to see whether student just watch or understand what seen. Data were analyzed using the classification of value intervals. The results showed that the literacy level reading and writing grade V students through audio visual media SDN 1 Rumbuk year 2017-2018 in the middle category because some of the students of class V just watch it without understanding what is aired or meaning of the film and some again understand what the researchers are showing, this conclusion can be seen from the answers and the results of the post-test value. The result of the student's test shows that the students who get the score in the high category of 90-100 are 2 students, the students who get the medium category 66,6-90 are 17 students, and the students get on low category 10-66,6 that is 3 students . So it is said that the literacy level of reading and writing students of grade V SDN 1 Rumbuk is in the medium category. Keywords : Movement Literacy, Writing Reading Literacy, Audio Visual Media} }