@thesis{thesis, author={YUSDARANI BAIQ INDAH}, title ={KOHESI GRAMATIKAL KUMPULAN CERPEN “SEPOTONG HATI YANG BARU” KARYA TERE LIYE}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3546/}, abstract={GRAMATICAL COHESION OF A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES “A NEW HEART PIECE” BY TERE LIYE Baiq Indah Yusdarani This study aims to describe the forms of grammatical cohesion in the discourse of short stories Hiks, I think That is The Real and the discourse of short stories The Story of Sie Sie in a collection of short stories a New Heart Piece by Tere Liye. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. Data collection techniques use techniques to see and note. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques. The results showed that in the short story of Hiks, I thought that the real and the short discourse of The Story of Sie Sie found forms of grammatical cohesion in the form of 63% reference, 6% substitution, 11% ellipsis, and 20% conjunction. The use of grammatical cohesion creates a cohesive discourse. Keywords: Grammatical Cohesion, Discourse, Short Story} }