@thesis{thesis, author={PATMAWATI EGA}, title ={ANALISIS PERBEDAAN REDUPLIKASI BAHASA SASAK DIALEK MENO-MENE DENGAN DIALEK NGGETO-NGGETE}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3557/}, abstract={ANALISIS PERBEDAAN REDUPLIKASI BAHASA SASAK DIALEK MENO-MENE DENGAN DIALEK NGGETO-NGGETE Ega Patmawati This study aims to determine the difference reduplication Sasak dialect Meno-Mene with Nggeto-Nggete dialect. This type of research used qualitative descriptive research. This reduplication data is taken directly from the community using the instrument. Technique of collecting data used is Technique of Simak and Cakap. the data obtained is checked back to validate the data using the extension of participation and persistence / observation of the observation. Data were analyzed using descriptive technique which has data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion. It can be concluded Reduplication of Sasak dialect of Meno-Mene with Nggeto-Nggete dialect found in four, total reduplication of 45 data, partial reduplication of 4 data, reduplication in combination affix data 41, and reduplication of phoneme change of 2 data. Kata Kunci: Reduplication, a Form Of Reduplication, Meaning reduplication, Sasak Language.} }