@thesis{thesis, author={NUFUS HAYATUN}, title ={MAKNA ASOSIASI DALAM LAGU NAHDLATAIN, SAKIT JAHIL, DAN DASAR IKHLAS KARYA TGKH. MUHAMMAD ZAINUDDIN ABDUL MADJID KAJIAN SEMANTIK}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3570/}, abstract={This research aims to know The Meaning Of Association In The song Nahdlataian, Sakit Jahil, and Dasar Ikhlas of the sincere semantic study by TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive method. The source of this research data is song lyrics the nahdlatain,Sakit Jahil, and Dasar Ikhlas the work of tgkh. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid. A collection of verses of the song of Nahdlatain consists of 6 stanzas, the sick song consists of 4 stanzas, and the ikhlas basic song consists of 10 stanzas. In this study, the are expression contained in the song of work of TGKH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid. Data collection in this study with repeated reading and recording techniques. Data analysis techniques by utilizing qualitative descriptive methods and conducting research using a mindset. Research procedures include the preparation stage, data collection, data reduction or data selection, data analysis, and research report preparation. Based on the data analysis, this study can be concluded that the use of the meaning of association and messages contained in the song Nahdltaian includes the word nahdlatul wathan loyal who association faithfulness in raising the homeland and ngurasang batur sik pidem which is associated with encouraging people are lazy or not caring.The song of sakit jahil includes the word ignorant sakit jahil ndek narak owat ne which associates ignorance with no medicine. And dasar ikhlas songs include the basic word of sincerity and because of love which is associated with sincerity, kindness and affection. Key words: meaning of association, Nahdlatul Wathan’s struggle song, semantic.} }