@thesis{thesis, author={HADI LALU FENI SAMSUL}, title ={BENTUK DAN MAKNA TEMBANG SASAK RENGGANIS (SUATU KAJIAN BENTUK DAN SEMANTIK)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3625/}, abstract={Lalu Feni Samsul Hadi, NPM 14450042. (2018). The Form and Meaning of the Sasak Rengganis Tembang: a Form and Semantic Study. Thesis S1. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Hamzanwadi Selong University. Supervisor (1) Drs. Lalu Fakihuddin, M.Pd., and Supervisor (2) Hujair Faizan, S.H., M.Pd. Key words: Rengganis Story, Tembang Maskumambang, Semantic. This study aims to describe the shape and meaning of tembang sasak maskumambang in Rengganis story. This research approach using descriptive qualitative approach with research type of text analysis. The data collection technique is done by intensive reading of Rengganis story and doing active recording of important things found. The main instrument in this study is the researcher himself and assisted with other data deemed necessary through discussion with colleagues and humanists. The analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis. Validity of data used is data triangulation technique. Based on the results of this research analysis, can be drawn conclusions are: first, the form maskumambang tembang in Rengganis story has a difference in the number of syllables each tembang inconsistent. As for rhyme has little difference found in 3 (three) tembang. As for the number of lines each song in this study is still consistent that is amounted to 4 (four) lines. Secondly, the meaning of song and semantic meaning of tembang has consistent meaning according to concept and target of tembang.} }