@thesis{thesis, author={NAJAMUDIN M. HILMI}, title ={HARMONI LINGKUNGAN DALAM LIRIK LAGU EBIET G. ADE “ BERITA KEPADA KAWAN “ SUATU KAJIAN SEMIOTIK}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3630/}, abstract={M. Hilmi najamudin. 2018. Harmoni Lingkungan Dalam Lirik Lagu Ebiet G Ade "Berita Kepada Kawan". Essay. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Department of Education and Art (Hamzanwadi University) Advisor : 1. Drs. Lalu Mas’ud, M.Pd. 2. Roni Amrulloh, M.Hum Key word: Semiotics Ferdinand De Saussure, signifier, Signified, Songs, The Semiotics regards as the phenomena of social/society and culture is the signs. Sign had two aspects are signifier and signified. Signifier is the formal form that marking something called signified. Whereas the signified is something that marked by signifier. As the science. The problems that will investigated in this research is search the signified, find the meaning of signifier and the relationship between signifier and signified in Ebiet G Ade song using concept of Semiotic Saussure. To solve the all of problem in deep, this research using semiotic analysis used to find the signified, the meaning of signifier and the relationship between signifier and signified in Ebiet G. Ade Song. This research used descriptive qualitative research. The present researcher using the semiotic Saussure approach and the object of this research is Ebiet G Ade song in collection song “berita kepada kawan” After collecting data from the selected song, then classified the data according the genre. After that, search the meaning of signified using philosophy of analytic language Wittgenstein I and II until the meaning of signified tested, not only the assumption of the researcher. Based on the analysis and study of the result of this research, the present researcher found that the hypothesis is propriety proven. Signified is society convention, meaning of signified is imaging of chronological event and the relationship between signifier and signified is arbiter or only because the use of language must suitable with the use or the context.} }