@thesis{thesis, author={NURHASANAH NURHASANAH}, title ={KAJIA TINDAK TUTUR ANTARTOKOH DALAM NOVEL "MENGAPA AKU CANTIK?" KARYA WAHYU SUJANI}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3681/}, abstract={Nurhasanah, NPM 13450016. (2018). Study of Speech Acts Between Characters in the Novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani. Skripsi S1. Study Program Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Faculty of Hamzanwadi University. Pembimbing I: Titin Ernawati, SS., M.Pd., dan Pembimbing II: Mimi Alpian, M.Pd. Key words: Speech, between characters, and novel. The problem discussed in this research is how is the study of speechacts between characters in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to find out how The study of speechacts between characters in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik" by Wahyu Sujani. The research method used is qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study used to cerord or cite parts of the story that discusses the problem of the study of speechacts between characters in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani. The source of data in this research is a novel entitlen "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani. Data analysis techniques coducted by researcher is reading and note techniques. Based on the results of research and discussion about the study of speechacts between characters in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani. There are several acts of speech acting speech actors, locution, illocution and perlocution. The analysis of the speech of locution in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" of Wahyu Sujani work there are twelve forms of locution, the illocution in the novel "Mengapa Aku Cantik?" by Wahyu Sujani twelve forms of illocution, while perlocution speech there are five forms of perlocution.} }