@thesis{thesis, author={KHOTIMAH HUSNUL}, title ={MAKSIM KESEPAKATAN DALAM MEMBENTUK SELF-ESTEEM KOMUNITAS WARIA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3706/}, abstract={HUSNUL KHOTIMAH, NPM : 12450016, year 2018. Maximize Agreement in the Establishing the Self-Esteem of the Transgender Comunity in the Selong area of eastern regeny Lombok east. Eassy. Study Program of Indonesian Languange and Literature Education Hamzanwadi Unvercity. Abstract: The Purpose of this research is to look how big the self confidence that the hermaphrodite has. Hermaphrodite is a kind of people that physically is a man but has a desire to be a woman so that in interact with the environment, they shown some attitudes and behavior that dosen’t match with their physic.As for the analysis of interview results from a pragmatic point of view. In the pragmatic study there are several components of the material, one of which is about maxim. Levinson in (Tarigan, 2009:31). The maxim are the rules of languange in the lingual interaction, the rules governing their action, use of his opponents. Other than that. The maxim is also referred to as a pragmatc form based on the principle of coparation and the principle of decency.Maxim Agreement that is when a speaker or a person who does a conversation that sometimes exaggerate the word or problems encauntered sometimes he does not confuse the atmosphere or mediocre. Key Words : Transgender, Self-Esteem, Maximize Agreement.} }