@thesis{thesis, author={MUSLIMAH MEGA}, title ={KONFLIK BATIN TOKOH UTAMA DALAM NOVEL ”CINTA DI UJUNG SAJADAH” KARYA ASMA NADIA TINJAUAN PSIKOLOGI SASTRA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3710/}, abstract={Mega Muslimah, NPM 14450065. (2018). Inner Conflict Key People in Novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah Karya Nadia (Literary Physiology Review, thesis S1) Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Faculty of Hamzanwadi Selong University Supervisor: (1) Titin Ernawati, S.S., M.Pd. and (2) ) Muh. Jaelani Al-Pansori, M.Pd. The objectives to be achieved in this research is to describe the inner conflict of the main character in novel of Cinta di Ujung Sajadah by Nadia is (a) the form of inner conflict of the main character (b) the causal factor of the main conflict of the main character. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that is using words as data and literature psychology study. While the data analysis using descriptive qualitative with the steps: Reading novels, grouping data, and draw conclusions. Based on the analysis of "the inner conflict of the main character in the novel of Cinta di Ujung Sajadah by Nadia with the review of literary psychology, can be drawn conclusion form and the internal conflict factor of the main character in novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah, the form of conflict is divided into three, , the anger of the main character and his hesitation, the conflict factor is the crisis of sympathy, disillusionment with the nearest person and the social environment. Keywords: Literary Psychology, form and Novel factor.} }