@thesis{thesis, author={NOVIANTI MERI}, title ={FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA KOPERASI JASA KEUANGAN SYARIAH AZZAINIYAH AL- MAJIDIYAH KOTARAJA 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3711/}, abstract={This study aims to analyze the factors that affect employee performance on Sharia Financial Services Cooperative Azzainiyah Al-Majidiyah Kotaraja 2017/2018. This research type is quantitative research with descriptive correlation method. Population as many as 17 employees in 2017/2018. A sample of 17 respondents was determined by Saturation Sampling technique. Methods of data collection using observations and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used are instrument test (validity and reliability), multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination, classical assumption test and hypothesis test. From the test results partially indicate that the factors of employee performance (work culture, compensation and work motivation) between the three variables are partial test results show the variable compensation does not affect the performance of employees at Sharia Financial Services Cooperative Azzainiyah Al-Majidiyah Kotaraja 2017 / 2018. It can be seen from the value of t arithmetic -0.548 and its significance value of -0548 < 2.160. While the most influencing factor or work culture variable on employee performance in Sharia Financial Services Cooperative Azzainiyah Al-Majidiyah Kotaraja 2017/2018. It can be seen from the value of t count 2.707 and the significance value of 0.018 > 0.05. Keywords: Factors that affect (Working Culture, Compensation and Work Motivation) and Employee Performance on Cooperatives} }