@thesis{thesis, author={MAKLAH NURUL}, title ={ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN GAYA BAHASA PADA LIRIK LAGU ADA BAND DALAM ALBUM “MYSTERY OF MUSICAL” (KAJIAN STILISTIKA)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3712/}, abstract={NURUL MAKLAH, NPM: 13450124 (2018). Analysis Of The Use Of Language Style On The Lyrics Of The Song There Is a Ada Band In The Album “Mystery Of Musical” (Stilistika Study). Study Program Of Indonesian Department, Hamzanwadi University. 1. First Consultant: Muh. Irfan, M. Pd. 2. Second Consultant: Zainul Muttaqin, S.S., M.Hum. Key words: language style, types, meanings, song lyrics, stylistic studies The purpose of this study is to know the types of language styles that are used in the lyrics of the band’s songs as well as describe the meaning and messages conveyed by the author on the lyrics of the song there is a band in the album mystery of musical. the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This study uses data sources in the from of documents that is 12 a songs Ada band in the album mystery of musical. where in this study data obtained from the techniques of listening and recording techniques. From the results of this study found as many as 34 data lyrics of song containing the style of language of the 34 data, there are 21 languages that contain the syle of language are: 1) Language style comparison with the style type personification language there are 5 data, depersonifikasi 2 data, hyperbola 5 data, metaphor 5 data, simile 3 data and 2) language style satire with sarcasm type 1 data, and there are 13 raw data (residual data). The words, phrases and sentences that are presented in the lyrics of the song have bands in mystery of musical albums mostly describe something as dead as living, moving, telling stories, and possessing exaggerated characters and human nature. The lyrics to the song there are mostly bands using romantic symbols depicting the language of living love. Love that does not materialize, in painting there and present, can be seen and in touch with his presence. The now meanings and messages conveyed by the band’s writers are a) about loyalty to the lover, b) regret, c) affection towards the parents, and d) the beauty of friendship in reaching the ideals.} }