@thesis{thesis, author={ARDIANSYAH RICKY}, title ={KEEFEKTIFAN PENGGUNAAN MEDIA WALL CHART DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS ARGUMENTASI SISWA KELAS X MA NW PRINGGASELA TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3744/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of media wall chart on the ability to write the documentation of the students. This research uses posttest-only control design design, the assessment is only done after each class is given the student's writing of student argumentation writing. The sample in this study was chosen using simple random sampling technique, the sample members were randomly selected to determine the experimental class and control class. Researchers in this study work to collect and analyze data, and acting as a teacher. The sample used in this research is class X MA NW Pringgasela consisting of class XA and class XB. The sample is randomly selected, so the XA class exits as the experiment class and the XB class exits as the control class. In the experimental class is given treatment in the form of learning to write argumentation using wallpaper media, while the control class is given learning by conventional method. Data retrieval technique through posttest result or after given treatment in the form of use of media wall chart at learning to write argumentation student. In this study that became independent variable that is the use of media wall chart and the dependent variable is learning to write argumentation. After obtaining the data in the form of student argumentation result, the researcher calculates the normality of data using chi square formula, homogeneity test using Bartlett formula, and to test the hypothesis using the formula ¬ tes-t pooled varian. Based on the results of analysis by using hypothesis test with the formula-t pooled varian test obtained student learning outcomes thitung = 2.8597 and ttable = 2.0273 (tcount> ttable). Based on the results of this study can be concluded that learning using the media wall chart effective. Keywords : Media Wall Chart, Writing Argumentation} }