@thesis{thesis, author={ROSMIANI ROSMIANI}, title ={ANALISIS ISI BUKU TEKS “CERDAS BERBAHASA INDONESIA UNTUK SMA/MA KELAS X” SEMESTER GANJIL}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3747/}, abstract={This research aims to describe the contents Indonesian Language Smart Text Book for Senior High School in Class X Odd Semester which includes three components, namely: (1) Suitability of Material Descriptions with Content Competencies and Basic Competencies, (2) Material Accuracy, and (3) Learning Support Materials. The research methot used in this research is quailative and evaluative method. Data in this research shape word, sentence, images, discourses, texts from all over the contents Indonesian Language Smart Text Book for Senior High School in Class X Odd Semesters. Data collection techniques use documentation techniques, as a supporter to strengthen the results of the analysis, researcher used interview techniques, and questionnaires. While data analysis techniques use content analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that Indonesian Language Smart Text Book for Senior High School in Class X Odd Semester classified as feasible from the asfect of content. Based on the results of the analysis, obtained a percentage value of 72.34%,while the results of the questionnaire examinition obtained a percentage value of 67.82%. This shows that the Indonesian Language Smart Text Book for Senior High School Class X Odd Semester the content asfect is classified as having good quality. Keyword: Content Analysis, Text Book, Senior High School} }