@thesis{thesis, author={SAHIDUDDIN SAHIDUDDIN}, title ={EKSISTENSI BAHASA GAUL DIKALANGAN ANAK REMAJA DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN BAHASA INDONESIA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3752/}, abstract={Sahiduddin. 2017. The Existence of Slang Language among Teens and Its Influence on Bahaasa Indonesia. Thesis S1. Faculty of Teacher Training Education (FKIP). Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Hamzanwadi University. Advisor (1) Dr. Padlurrahman, S. Pd., M. Pd., and Advisor (2) Hujair Faizan, SH., M. Pd. Keywords: The Existence of Slang Language, Indonesian Language, and Teens. The purpose of this study is to know the existence of slang language among teens and its influence on Bahasa Indonesia. This study is qualitative research. Population of this study is whole teens of Kalijaga Tengah. There are two kinds of stetment of the problem, those are (1) ow is the existence of the slang language in the teenagers? (2) How is the effect of slang language on the existence of bahasa Indonesia? while the sample of the study is 10 teens. The researcher used questioner in collecting the data. Based on the result of the data collection, it can be concluded that the existence of slang language among teens is very famous. It can be seen from data percentage which shows 80% of respondents answer ‘yes’ and 20% of respondents answer ‘no’ from 10 varied questions. In addition, the effect of slang language on the existence of bahasa Indonesia is quite big but it is only in the special moment. As the result, either the existence or the effect of slang language in the teenagers, it can be said it has quite big effect and existence.} }