@thesis{thesis, author={HAMDI SAIPUL}, title ={ANALISIS STEREOTIP DALAM NOVEL DI BAWAH KEBESARANMU HAMBA TAKLUK KARYA TAUFIQURRAHMAN AL-AZIZY (KAJIAN SOSIOLOGI SASTRA)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3760/}, abstract={THE STEREOTYPE ANALISYS OF NOVEL “ DI BAWAH KEBERSAMA’ANMU HAMBA TAKLUK” BY TAUFIQURRAHMAN AL-AZIZY SAIPUL HAMDI Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Abstract : the aim that is wanted to be reached in this research is to identify and describe the stereotype existence of the figure that is descibed in Novel Di Bawah Kebersamaamu Hamba Takluk by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. This research use the qualitatif type that the pupose is to identify and describe the main stereotype figure in novel Di Bawah Kebersamaamu Hamba Takluk. This research start from April 2017 until finish, that is placed in Pancor-East Lombok. The datum resources that is used in this research is documentative resources. The technique of collecting data in this research is by reading and writing technique. The instrument of collecting data in this research is human instrument. The technique of correcting the data validation in this research is used triangulasi theory. The technique of data analysis that is used in this research is flow analysis model that comprise of three components, taht is 1. Reduction data 2. Presentation data 3. Taking conclusion. Base on the result of the research, stereotype figure that is exist in Novel Di Bawah Kebersamaamu Hamba Takluk BY Taufiqurrqhmqn Al-Azizi is there is another stereotype, the stereotype of Nevy and Pak Suhaemi. The result of this research explain the stereotype that exist in Novel Di Bawah Kebersamaamu Hamba Takluk that tells about an orphan that is named Ayra, live lonely in the area Wiringinom Village that is not save of the insult,abuse verbally from the society that is caused by the dark past time his father that named Sambodo. He is a refeated offender that is shoot by the police with accusation tha much fidgety the society caused by his evil tha overloaded. Keyword: Stereotype, Novel Di Bawah Kebesaranmu Hamba Takluk (DBKT), Taufiqurrahman Al-azizy.} }