@thesis{thesis, author={SUROYANI SUROYANI}, title ={INKONSISTENSI KOHESIVITAS DAN KOHERENSIVITAS PADA WACANA TAJUK RENCANA HARIAN LOMBOK POST EDISI APRIL 2016}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3764/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to (1) describe the form of inconsistency or inconsistency in cohesion, (2) describe the form of inconsistency or inconsistency in coherence in the editorial discourse of the daily Lombok Post April 2016 edition. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research using the editorial of the daily Lombok Post April 2016 edition. Data collection techniques in this study used reading, noting, grouping techniques , studying each word . Data analysis techniques in this study make use of n qualitative techniques. The results of this study indicate that the total number b) the discrepancy in the use of cohesion tools in the Lombok Post edition of the April 2016 daily editorial discourse found 5 discrepancies, namely 4 kinds of conjunction discrepancies, 1 kind of repetition, 1 kind of substitution, only 1 kind of collocation, and 1 kind of non-conformity. . In the discrepancy of the use of this cohesion tool, the most prevalent in conjunction disagreements , and the form of non- conformity with the use of coherence tools is 4 discrepancies , namely incompatibility togetherness , parallelism , comparison , and details each only have 1 discrepancy. Keywords: inconsistency, cohesiveness, coherence, discourse.} }