@thesis{thesis, author={SURYATI SURYATI}, title ={ANALISIS CAMPUR KODE DALAM NOVEL SYURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN KARYA ASMA NADIA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3765/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the form, function and factors that cause interference in the novel Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan code works Asma Nadia . The method used is descriptive method. The results of the analysis of data obtained codes are a form of intervention in the form of a form of words, phrases, clauses, baster and words repeated. Interference function in the novel Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan code is as looping, implied sentence, as opposed to speech function specification, and classify the contents of the message element. Factors causing interference in the work of Asma Nadia Syurga Yang Tak Dirindukan novel because: talk about a particular topic, reinforce something, fillers and connective sentence, looping to clarify, intends to clarify the content of the conversation to the other person, the identity of a group, refine or clarify the request or command, needs lexical and keefesiensian a conversation. Form of interference is dominated by a form of code words, the function is a function that dominates opponents said specifications and the dominating factor is the factor of lexical needs. words, the function is a function that dominates opponents said specifications and the dominating factor is the factor of lexical needs. Keywords: Code mixing, fungctions, factors} }