@thesis{thesis, author={HAMDI UJI}, title ={PENGARUH METODE SQ3R TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENENTUKAN IDE POKOK PARAGRAF KELAS VIII MTS NW AIK AMPAT TAHUN PELAJARAN 2016/2017}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3774/}, abstract={Uji Hamdi (11450082). 2017. “ The Influence of the SQ3R Method on Abiltity to Determine the Idea of the paragraph of Class VIII Mts. NW Aik Ampat Kelayu Jorong Year 2017. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literatur Education Department, Hamzanwadi Selong University. Advisor I : Muh. Irfan, M.Pd. Advisor II : Dr.Drs. H. Mohzana, S.Pd, M.Pd. Keywords : Influence of SQ3R Method, Determining the Idea of Paragraph This study aims to determine the effect of SQ3R method on the ability to determine the main idea of the paragraph and to know the difference before and after using the SQ3R method on the ability to determine the main idea of the paragraph. This type of research is quantitative research with experimental approach because in this research there is no symptom desired. The study population was Mts NW Aik Ampat Kelayu Jorong and the research sample was Grade VIII Mts. NW Aik Ampat Kelayu Jorong. Determination of the sample in this study is to us random sampling is the technique of sampling by selecting the sample based on the group not on the individual, but on the group taken at random. Data collection technique in this study used were questionnaires and test. Technique of data analysis of this research is test of normality of data and test of hypothesis. The result of the research is that there is influence by using the effective SQ3R method in learning to determine the main idea of the paragraph on the students of grade VIII MTs NW Aik Ampat Lesson 2016/2017. Result of hypothesis test done to result of learning in class that is tcount value>ttabel that is 2.8597 > 2.0273. Thus the null hypothesis is rejectd means that there is an effect that indicates that the use of SQ3R method effectively in learning to determine the basic idea paragraph of students of class VIII MTs. NW Aik Ampat Lesson 2016/2017.} }