@thesis{thesis, author={MISWARI USI}, title ={TINDAK TUTUR LANGSUNG DAN TINDAK TUTUR TIDAK LANGSUNG PADA PEMBELI DAN PEDAGANG DI PASAR SELAK LENEK KECAMATAN AIKMEL (KAJIAN PRAGMATIK)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3775/}, abstract={Direct speech acts and indirect speech acts are important aspects that are used in buying and selling activities in the market of the Grand Laks of Aikmel subdistrict. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of direct speech acts and indirect speech acts spoken by traders and buyersso that the purpose of and selling is achieved. This study aims to describe the form and purpose of direct speech acts and indirect speech acts and in the market of the lak lenek sub-district of Aikmel district. Research on direct speech acts in the and indirect speech acts in the market of Selak Lenek in Aikmel subdistrict is a descriptive study using qualitative descriptive methods. In obtaining data the researcher uses the technique to see with advanced techniques, namely record and note. After the data was obtained the researcher analyzed it using the matching method. Based on the results of research in the field researchers obtained 78 direct speech data and 38 indirect speech acts, in this study researchers also discussed the intent and indirect speech acts. Keywords : direct speech acts and indirect speech acts} }