@thesis{thesis, author={HAPSARI WINA WIDIA}, title ={TINDAK TUTUR LOKUSI ILOKUSI DAN PERLOKUSI DALAM NOVEL SURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN KARYA ASMA NADIA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3777/}, abstract={Research entitle " Act To Say Locution, Ilokusi, Perlokusi in Novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan by Asma Nadia masterpiece aim to lay open type act to say covering to act locution, perlokusi and ilokusi. this research use descriptive method qualitative with continuation technique correct reading and note. this technique is expected can find valid data in Heaven novel which Do not be longed. this research of menganalisisis act locution of[is three of data, act ilokusi of is six of data and act perlokusi of four of data. Keyword : Act To Say, Locution, Ilokusi, Perlokusi} }