@thesis{thesis, author={YANI YULI}, title ={MORFOSEMANTIK AFIKSASI BAHASA SASAK DIALEK NGENO-NGENE DI DESA BATUYANG KECAMATAN PRINGGABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3778/}, abstract={The problem discussed in this study is the form and meaning of the Sasak language affixation in Batuyang village, Pringgabaya sub-district by using morphosemantic studies. This study aims to find out the meaning resulting from the meaning resulting from the form of affixation. This research is qualitative descriptive, which describes the words that experienced the affixation process in Batuyang village. The collection method used is the reaning method and story document. To re-check the data obtained, the researcher used an extension technique and triangulation extension technique so that the data obtained was completely valid. Based on the data obtained, the researchers analyzed it using the matching method, which analyzed it gradually. The first step is data reduction, then data presentation so that it can drow conclusions: 1) Prefix [t- ], [se-, [b-], [n-], [-], [pe-]. 2) Infix [–em-]. 3) Suffix [-a], [-an], dan [-n]. 4) Confix [kean], [se-n], [b-an], [se-an], [t-i], [-in] dan [t-a]. 5) Clophix [n-a], [tse-] dan [me- a]. Keywords: The shape and meaning of affixation.} }