@thesis{thesis, author={MUSLIHATUN BQ.MUSLIHATUN}, title ={PENGARUH MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS VII MTS. NW RENSING RAJAK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2016/2017}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3828/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on the learning outcomes of class VII MTs Rensing Rajak Academic Year 2016 / 2017. This type of research is experimental research. The design of this quasi experiment uses a pre-test-post-test. The population of this study was all seventh semester II students of MTs. NW Rensing 2016/2017 learning year. as an experimental class consisting of 23 students and as a control class consisting of 28 students. The research instrument used in the study was a test of learning outcomes in essay form and consisted of 7 questions. Data analysis techniques using normality test, homogeneity test, mean value and hypothesis test are known to have an effect on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on student learning outcomes, when testing hypotheses a t-test is used first. Based on the results of data analysis obtained data for each class. the average value of the experimental class is 75 and the control class 70 This shows that the learning outcomes of the experimental class students taught using the Problem Based Learnimg learning model are better than students taught with conventional learning models that are using the lecture method. where the number of t-table results with N-1 = 23, with a significant level of 5% is obtained tcount of 13.69. After comparing with ttable 2.052. The t-count results are compared with t-table, namely t-count (13.69)> t-table (2.052. So the conclusions in this study are the application of learning to the Problem Based Learning Model influences the learning outcomes of class VII MTS NW Rensing Rajak Tahun 2016/2017 Learning. Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model (PBL), Learning Outcomes} }