@thesis{thesis, author={SEPTIANA ERINA SYIRRI}, title ={PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE STAD DENGAN POLA LESSON STUDY TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF SISWA KELAS X DI MA NW KERUAK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3832/}, abstract={This research aim to: to know the existence of influence model study of type co-operative of STAD ( Student Team Achivement Divission) solid by Lesson Study. This type research is research of experiment. Population in this research is all class student of X MA NW Keruak, a number of two class. Research Sampel determined with technique of Simple Random Sampling. Chosen so that is class student of X IPA 1 as a group taught experiment by using study of type co-operative of STAD solid of Study Lesson and class student of X IPA 2 as a group taught control by using study of conventional model. Technique data collecting use double helix test. Hypothesis test in this research use test of t two side. Pursuant to result of got data analysis with criterion - t1 / 2a ≤ t count or t count ≥ t1 / 2a that is (- 1,84 ≤ 1,8971 or 1,8971 ≥ 1,84) hence H0 refused and Ha accepted. So that can be concluded that study of model of STAD yield result learn which better than study using Conventional model. This Matter seen from amount of obtained average value that is taught Experiment class value use model of STAD higher that is 70. While class average value control with lower conventional model that is 62 Keywords: Type of STAD, Lesson Study, Result of Learning} }