@thesis{thesis, author={AINI ISNAWATUL}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE JIGSAW TERHADAP PENGUASAAN KONSEP BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN BIOLOGI KELAS X MA NW SENYIUR TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3842/}, abstract={Target of this research is to know do there [is] influence of study of type co-operative of jigsaw to domination of concept learn student [at] biological subject [of] class of X MA NW Senyiur School Year 2018 / 2019. this Research type [of] experiment quasi by using type co-operative model of jigsaw in the form of design group control post-test-only. Subjek in this [is] all class student of XII IPA MA NW Senyiur School Year 2018 / 2019. Population in all these research [of] class of X IPA which consist of one class with amount 23 student people and class of X IPS which consist of one class with amount 24 student people of MA NW Senyiur. Sampel in this research [is] class of X-Ipa as experiment class and class of X-Ips as control class. Intrumen in this research in the form of tes domination of concept learn in the form of double helix amounting to 20 problem item which have [in] validasi. Pursuant to result of data analysis obtained [by] value flatten - flatten experiment class post-test namely 63 and class control namely 54.708. While, hypothesis test use statistical analysis with formula of uji-t [at] trust level 5% obtained [by] t-hitung equal to 2.419. After compared to t-tabel ( 1.680), hence t-hitung ( 2.419) > t-tabel ( 1.680). so that can be concluded that there is influence of study of type co-operative of jigsaw to domination of concept learn student [at] biological subject [of] class of X MA NW Senyiur School Year 2018 / 2019. Keyword : Co-Operative Type of Jigsaw, Domination Of Concept Learn Student.} }