@thesis{thesis, author={NASIPAH ISRI}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN GROUP INVESTIGATION (GI) DENGAN POLA LESSON STUDY TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MEMECAHKAN MASALAH SISWA KELAS X MA RHABITUSSA’ADAH TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3843/}, abstract={This research aimed to know The Effect Learning Group Investigation (GI) Toward Solve problem Ability with Lesson Study Students Tenth Graders of MA Rhabitussa’adah in School Years 2018/2019. Lesson Study three phase that is Plan, Do and See. At phase of Plan model teacher plan topic to be taught by during study process, phase of Do that is study according to phase and planning of See is activity of refleksi of planning process and execution of study. The research was experimental research using Quasy Experimental Design. The population were students of the tenth graders of I Semester, there were 2 classes cosisting of 37 students. Futhermore, The sample was the grader of IPA as experimental class and IPS as control class using simple random sampling technique. The instrument in this research was the Solve problem ablity test in the form of essay test which amounts to 8 items. Based on the data analysing, the average value of post-test experimental class was 74.2 and control class was 66.17. Meanwhile, hypothesis test used statistical analysing with the t-test formula at the level of 5% confidence was obtaining tcount of 3.418. After comparing with ttable 1.690, tcount 3.418> ttable 1.690, so the conclusion in this research showed good effect Learning Group Investigation (GI) toward Solve problem Ability With Lesson Study Students tenth graders of MA Rhabitussa’adah in school years 2018/2019. Keywords: Group Investigation, Lesson Study and Solve Problem Ablity} }