@thesis{thesis, author={FEBRIANTINI LARAS}, title ={PENGARUH KONSENTRASI GULA DAN TIGA JENIS TEH TERHADAP KUALITAS KOMBUCHA}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3846/}, abstract={Kombucha tea (kombucha tea) is a traditional beverage product from fermented tea and sugar solution using kombucha microbial starter (Acetobacter xylinum) and fermented for 8-12 days. Based on that, this study aims to determine the effect of sugar concentration and three types of tea on kualiuch kombucha. This study uses a randomized block design (RBD) with three treatment factors, the first factor is black tea with sugar concentration 15%, 25% and 40%, as well as the second and third factors using green tea and jasmine tea with the same amount of sugar concentration . The statistical analysis test used is ANAVA 2 JALAN. The results obtained with the average value of kombucha with sugar concentration up to 40% were found in the context of the taste of black tea an average score of 3.32 (acid) while the sugar concentration of 15% averaged 3 (slightly acid) and 25% obtained an average score of 3.04 (less acid). Then the quality of kombucha from the context of the highest aroma was obtained from green tea with a sugar concentration of 40% with an average score of 2.88 (not too strong with the smell of acid), from 15% sugar concentration an average score of 2.84 (stinging with sour smell) and 25% averaged 2.76 (stinging with acid). Furthermore, from the quality of kombucha in the context of color, the highest score of jasmine tea is obtained with a sugar concentration of 40% with an average score of 2.88 (solid yellow). It can be concluded that the use of three types of tea and different sugar concentrations provide different qualities where the higher the sugar concentration, the better the kombucha fermentation level. Whereas the organoleptic value of kombucha from the context of significant taste because the fermentation process changed from sweet to sour, for organoleptic value the aroma was significant because during the fermentation process the aroma experienced a change from the smell of tea to acid scented. But the organoleptic value in color is not significant because it does not experience such a real change. Keywords: three types of tea, sugar concentration, kombucha quality.} }