@thesis{thesis, author={HARYANA MIRA}, title ={PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE TWO STAY TWO STRAY (TSTS) TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BEFIKIR KRITIS SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN BIOLOGI KELAS X SMAN 1 SAKRA TIMUR TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3855/}, abstract={Education has a central role in the development of development and one aspect of improving human resources. Problems that still exist in the world of education are the low ability of students to solve a problem, especially on biology subjects, so that it requires an action that can overcome these problems, one of them is by changing the learning process better. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Application of Group Investigation (GI) Learning on Problem-solving Ability of Class X MA Rhabitussa’adah Students in the Academic Year 2018/2019. This type of research is experimental research using Quasi Experimental Design. The population in this study class X students in semester II consisted of 2 classes with a total of 37 students. The sample in this study was class X IPA as the experimental class and class X IPS as the control class using simple random sampling technique. The instruments in this study were in the form of tests in the form of essay tests totaling 8 items. Based on the results of data analysis, the average value of the experimental class posttest was 74.2 and the control class was 66.17. While the hypothesis testing using statistical analysis with the t-test formula on the confidence level of 5% is obtained tcount of 3.418. After comparing with table 1,690, then tcount 3,418> t table 1,690, so that the conclusion in this study is that there is an effect of the Application of Group Investigation (GI) Learning on the Ability to Solve Problems in Class X MA Rhabitussa’adah Academic Year 2018/2019. Keywords: Group Investigation (GI), Problem Solving Ability} }