@thesis{thesis, author={ASTUTI DEWI}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITISSISWA PADA MATERI USAHA DAN ENERGI KELAS X IPA DI SMA NEGERI 2 MASBAGIK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3922/}, abstract={This Research aim to to know study of effective learning discovery to ability think critically of student at items of[is effort and class energi of x country sma ipa 2 study year masbagik 2017 / 2018. this Research type use experiment method. Population in this research is entire/all class student of X IPA SMA Country 2 even Masbagik semester of study year 2017 / 2018. Research Sampel determined by using technique of sampel saturated. Class of X IPA 1 as a group experiment while class of X IPA 2 as a group control. Research device the used is design control only posttest. Technique data collecting use tes. Data analysed to use uji-t one side with method of polled variant. Result of hypothesis indicate that thitung > t of is tables of that is 1,683 > 1,676, meaning H0 refused, so that can be concluded by study of effective learning discovery to ability think critically of student at items of is effort and class energi of x country sma ipa 2 study year masbagik 2017 / 2018. Keywords: Model Discovery Learning, Ability Think Critically of Student.} }