@thesis{thesis, author={ASWARIAH KHAERIL}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COOPERATIVE LEARNING TIPE CIRC (COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION) MELALUI BAHAN AJAR BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL POKOK BAHASAN GERAK SISWA KELAS VIII MTs. NEGERI MASBAGIK TAHUN PEMBELAJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3948/}, abstract={This present study investigated the effectiveness of CIRC (Cooperative Integrated and Reading Compotition) type of cooperative learning model through the teaching tools based on local learning for movement lesson for the eight grade students of MTs. Negeri Masbagik in the school year 2017/2018. The reasarch methodology used in this study was true all of the eighth grade students of MTs. Negeri Masbagik in the school year 2017/2018 consisted of five classes. The sampling technique used simple random sampling and the result was B class as control class and D class as experimental class. The technique of data analysis used to investigate the hypothesis was t-test. From the analysis result, obtatined that t count > t table (2,82>1,676). It mean that CIRC (Cooperative Integrated and Reading Compotition) type og cooperative learning model through the teaching tools based on local learning for movement lesson was effective toward students’ learning achievment for eighth grade students of MTs. Negeri Masbagik year 2017/2018 Keywords: cooperative learning, teaching tools, learning achievment.} }