@thesis{thesis, author={HASANAH RABIATUL}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN E-LEARNING MENGGUNAKAN METODE EKSPOSITORI TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA DITINJAU DARI SIKAP ILMIAH SISWA MA NW TEKO KELAS XI IPA TAHUN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3960/}, abstract={This research aim to to know. 1) Influence of study of e-learning use method of ekspositori to result learn physics evaluated from erudite attitude of student MA NW Teko class of XI IPA MA NW Teko school year 2017/2018. 2) influence of high erudite attitude and erudite attitude lower to result learn student physics; 3) Interaction between study of e-learning use method of ekspositori with erudite attitude of student to result learn student physics. this Research type use research of experiment. Population in this research [is] entire/all class student of XI IPA MA NW Teko study year 2017 / 2018. Research Sampel determined by using technique of cluster sampeling random. Class of XI IPA.1 as experiment class while class of XI IPA.2 as control class. Research device the used is factorial desain 2x2. Technique data collecting use erudite attitude enquette and tes result of learning. Result .analysed to use anava two road;street. Result of research show 1) there is influence of study of e-learning use method of ekspositori to result learn student because Fcount > Ftables of that is 3,08 > 2,08, meaning H0A refused. Calculation of test of scheffe show thitung > ttabel that is 3,62 > 2,08, meaning e-learning use method of ekspositori more conventional to be compared to having an effect on; 2) there no influence of student owning high erudite attitude and student owning erudite attitude lower to result learn student physics because FB count > F of tables of that is 0,00 < 2,08, meaning H0B accepted. 3) there is interaction between study of e-learning use method of ekspositori with erudite attitude of student to result learn physics because FA count < F of tables of that is 2,46 > 2,08 which burden H0Ab refused. Keyword: Study of e-learning Use Method of Ekspositori, result of learning, erudite attitude of student.} }