@thesis{thesis, author={FEBRIANI RINI}, title ={PENGARUH METODE DEMONSTRASI MENGGUNAKAN LABORATORIUM VIRTUAL DAN REAL TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR DITINJAU DARI MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA POKOK BAHASAN GELOMBANG BUNYI KELAS XI IPA SMAN 1 PRAYA TENGAH TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3962/}, abstract={This research purposed at knowing: 1) Influence of demonstration method using virtual and real laboratory to student learning result 2) Influence of high and low category study motivation to student learning result, 3) Interaction between demonstration method using virtual and real laboratory with motivation to learn to result student learning. This type of research is experimental research, with a 2x2 factorial design. The population in this study were all students of class XI Science consisting of 3 classes. The research sample was determined by cluster random sampling technique, and got IPA 3 class as experiment group and IPA 2 as control group. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and tests. Data analysis using two way anava. The results showed; 1) There is influence of demonstration method using virtual and real laboratory to result of learning because Fcount > Ftable that is 10,27 > 4,028 which means HoA rejected and after further test with schaffe test show Fcount > Ftable that is 10,36 > 4,028 meaning demonstration method using a virtual laboratory gives a better effect than the demonstration method using a real laboratory. 2) There is no effect of high and low learning motivation on learning outcomes because Fcount is 2,59. 3) There is no interaction between demonstration methods using virtual laboratories and real with learning motivation towards learning outcomes with Fcount = -0,82. Keywords: Demonstration method, virtual laboratory, real, learning result, learning motivation.} }