@thesis{thesis, author={SUHARTI SARI}, title ={PENGARUH MODEL KOOPERATIF MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN M-LEARNING BERBASIS ANDROID DAN VIDEO TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS X PADA MATERI GERAK LURUS MA MUALLIMIN NW GUNUNG RAJAK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/3964/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of physics learning through cooperative model using learning media android based mobile learning and video on learning achievement of students of class x on the matter of straight motion MA Muallimin NW mountain rimbok Year 2017/2018 classes of four classes. Sempel sampling in this study using Cluster random sampling technique, which is all students of Class XA and XB. class XA is an experimental group and class XB is a control group. Data collection techniques for cognitive achievement using test techniques. Hypothesis test of learning achievement data was analyzed by using two-t test, from result of t-test obtained t arithmetic > t table (14.02 > 2.01). This shows that there is influence of cooperative modelusing learning media based on android and m-learning to the learning achievement of student of class x in matter of straight motion MA Muallimin NW mount rimbok Year lesson 2017/2018. Keywords: Cooperative model, learning media android based m-learning, video learning media, student achievement, kinematics motion.} }